Computational Histories

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    How can digital technologies and practices be located historically, and what are the cultural, material, political and social dimensions that are associated with them? The projects analysed here focus on developments since the post-war period, are dedicated to the integration of computers into planning and design processes, and are interested in the different actors involved in the development of a changing understanding of planning at different scales. The promises and utopias associated with exploring computer-based approaches and trial-and-error procedures are also examined.

    Writing the History of the Computer Visualizations in the Sciences: Production, Uses, Circulation (1940-1990)
    Grayson Bailey, Nathalie Bredella
    2.-3. May 2024 @ Écoles des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
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    Is That a Computer Program? Carl Steinitz on the Early Years of Harvard’s Laboratory of Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis
    Grayson Bailey, Nathalie Bredella
    Dimensions Journal of Architectural Knowledge
    November 2024

    Computing practices, data-based design, and knowledge cultures during the post-war period
    Nathalie Bredella
    Meson Press

Feminism and Digital Cultures

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    The research project examines methods of feminist practice in their significance for digital cultures. The interdisciplinary focus group brings together the chairs of Theory and History of Architecture, Art and Design, Architectural Informatics, Urbanism, Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design, Digital Fabrication and the Chair of History of Architecture and Curatorial Practice to investigate the protagonists of digital practices, their knowledge cultures and their social, economic and political contexts. Historical and contemporary methods, events and practices that have not yet been considered in the history of architecture will be analysed. Research and teaching are in dialogue within the project. Methods include oral history, re-enactments, archival work and exhibitions that explore and communicate the results to the public.

    Fabricating Archaeologies: Feminist Craft, Human Hands and Intelligent Architectures
    Nathalie Bredella, Andrea Reichenberger (TUM), Rudolf Seising (TUM)
    3.-4. July 2024 @ TUM IAS  
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    Prepared Instruments and Craft Genealogies
    Grayson Bailey, Nathalie Bredella, Jonah Marrs
    7. June 2024 @ TUM Pavilion 333  
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    Link It and Move It Youth Workshop
    Grayson Bailey, Nathalie Bredella, Jonah Marrs
    12. Oct 2024 @ Deutsches Museum 
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    Agentive Matter(s) Workshop
    Nathalie Bredella, Anna Keune (TUM)
    22. Nov 2024 @ TUM IAS